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Why Is My Water Bill So High?

Why Is My Water Bill So High?

Why Is My Water Bill So High? Aug 07, 2024

Has your water bill suddenly skyrocketed, and you’re wondering where all the water went? An unusually high water bill is upsetting not only because of the financial burden but also because it raises concern about potential water waste and hidden problems. In this article, Rooter Man Plumbing outlines the common reasons your water bill might be high and how a reputable plumbing repair service can help.

Recent Changes in Water Use

It’s rather obvious that your water bill can be hugely impacted by a change in water use around your home. Perhaps you’ve installed additional water-using appliances, you’re watering your lawn more often, or maybe you’re having house guests. This increased demand can translate to higher water bills. Before you pick up your phone and call a nearby plumber, it’s worth investigating these possibilities first.

You Have a Leak

Plumbing leaks are the most common reason for a high water bill. Particularly, hidden water leaks occurring underground, within walls, and around toilets can waste significant amounts of water without being noticed. The longer a water leak goes unrepaired, the more it drives up your water bill.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that a typical slab leak can waste as much as 90 gallons of water per day. Similarly, a leaking toilet can send nearly 200 gallons of water down the drain every day. If your water bill has spiked unexpectedly, call a nearby plumbing repair service to perform leak detection.

Tips To Prevent Water Leaks in Your Home

  • Inspect pipes regularly and tighten loose connections.
  • Install a pressure regulator to prevent excessive water pressure that can lead to leaks.
  • Insulate exposed pipes to protect them from freezing weather.
  • Check for leaks around washing machines, dishwashers, and refrigerators.
  • Schedule regular inspections with a reputable plumbing service.

Your Toilets and Fixtures Are Outdated

Continued use of old or outdated appliances and fixtures such as toilets, faucets, and washing machines is one of the common causes of high water bills. If you live in an older home, there’s a good chance your plumbing fixtures are inefficient when it comes to water usage. For instance, an older toilet can use up to 7 gallons of water with every flush, while a newer model uses as little as 1.28 gallons. Furthermore, older fixtures are more prone to leaks because of wear and tear.

If your water bills are higher than expected, you might want to take a closer look at your plumbing fixtures and water-using appliances, as they might be the main culprits. Have a professional plumbing service replace outdated fixtures with more water-efficient ones. Water-efficient toilets, showerheads, faucets, dishwashers, and washing machines can reduce your water consumption.

Water Wasting Behaviors

Sometimes, high water bills result from our own actions. There are many water-wasting habits that we unconsciously engage in, such as keeping the faucet running while brushing our teeth or shaving. These small actions can add up over time, leading to significantly higher water usage and increased utility bills.

Need Help With Leak Detection Or Plumbing Upgrades? Call Rooter Man Plumbing Today

Have you noticed an increase in your water bills? Give Rooter Man Plumbing a call to set up an appointment. We are a reputable plumbing service offering leak detection, water leak repair, plumbing fixture installation, and more. Our skilled plumbers are committed to helping you save money on your water bills.


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Fast friendly service. Family-owned business. Very happy with my home repair

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Quick response from initial call and Jared arrived early the next morning to fix our broken spigot, during a time where the cold weather has been reaking havock on home owners and commercial properties frozen pipes.

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Ron from Rotter-man and his team did an outstanding job on replacing our graywater piping in our crawl space. I though there pricing was fair and he gave a clear explanation on what it would take. I now have a plumber I can count on.

Paul Barnard Tacoma, WA